About Us

Just Wanna Relax was founded by myself, Clint, during a time in my life when spare time was almost non-existent. I was in nursing school, working on my days off, and studying when I wasn't working.

During that period, on Thanksgiving I had to work at the hospital, and after finishing my shift I went to spend time with family. As soon as I got there and sat down, I was instantly asked to get up and take some family pictures. Without lifting my head off of the back of the couch, I told my family member "I just wanna relax". From that moment on, the mantra was born! At first it started out as a joke, but then I embraced those words and tried to live by them.

Working hard shouldn't be our only speed. Life is about taking those moments to relax and choose self-care. I have learned the importance of this mantra over the course of my life and professional career. A 20-year healthcare career as an ICU, OR nurse, and Nurse Manager of providing care for others can cause one to be guilty of not spending enough time for my own self-care!

That is why I founded the Just Wanna Relax brand. To offer peace and tranquility for those who are stressed. JWR is about working hard and taking the time in life to relax harder! Our brand is designed to bring you relaxation and calmness to your life through health/wellness tips and products. 

It is my goal to transport you on a journey away from everyday stresses to enhance your quality of life and mindset.

Please join us and our mantra of "Just Wanna Relax".